
IPA Takes Strides to Enhance Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized E-commerce and Logistics Companies

2023.12.03. 1648

ipa takes strides to enhance competitiveness of small and medium-sized e-commerce....docx  doc파일 아이콘 ipa takes strides to enhance competitiveness of small and medium-sized e-commerce....docx

  • The Incheon Port Authority (www.icpa.or.kr, Lee Kyung-gyu) hosted the '2023 Smart Logistics Forum' at the Sheraton Grand Incheon Hotel (153 Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon) on the afternoon of December 1st, focusing on encouraging small and medium-sized e-commerce and logistics companies. The event aimed to introduce the latest logistics trends and support policies to the attendees.


  • The ‘2023 Smart Logistics Forum,’ organized by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and co-hosted by the IPA and the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency, was held for the first time this year. The forum was strategically designed to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized venture logistics companies in the e-commerce sector and promote the widespread adoption of smart logistics.


  • More than 50 experts in various fields and logistics industry representatives participated in the forum. Lectures were conducted on subjects such as Trends in aviation logistics and their application for small and medium-sized businesses Changes in trends in the e-commerce industry and cooperation plans for maritime logistics between Japan and China.


  • In addition, presentations covered topics on ESG and sustainable logistics Smart logistics centers transformed by AI and robots Logistics support policies tailored for small and medium-sized venture companies. A roundtable discussion was also held to address logistical challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises and to discuss smart logistics in detail.


  • The Incheon Port Authority and Korea SMEs and Startups Agency, co-hosts of the event, expressed their commitment to continue introducing smart logistics technology to small and medium-sized enterprises. They also pledged to collaborate in responding to the development of maritime logistics, working towards the high efficiency and sustainable development of ports. Furthermore, in the coming year, they plan on strengthening collaboration through system improvements for maritime logistics development and identifying tasks for direct support to small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in export and import.


