Press Release

IPA Becomes the First Port Authority to Achieve International Certification for Information Security Management System (ISO 27001)

2023.09.05. 949

ipa becomes the first port authority to achieve international....docx  doc파일 아이콘 ipa becomes the first port authority to achieve international....docx

  • The Incheon Port Authority (, President Lee Kyung-Gyu) announced on the 5th its distinction as the first port corporation to secure the Information Security Management System (ISO 27001) certification established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


  • The certification for the information security management system stands as the most highly regarded international standard in the field of information security. It is conferred through a meticulous evaluation process that includes the systematic establishment and documentation of processes to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets, as well as its continuous and effective operation and management.


  • With a commitment to advancing the information security management system and strengthening the digital safety infrastructure, IPA has actively advocated for the establishment of an information security management system since June of this year. The certification was attained by meeting the standards of 114 criteria across 14 management areas, including Institutional Information Protection Policy and Organization, Access Control, ▴Human Security, and Information Security Incident Management.


  • In response to the accomplishment, Incheon Port Authority President Lee Kyung-Gyu expressed, "We pursued this certification to proactively prepare for increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks and to elevate our security risk management system,” and added, “We remain steadfast in our efforts to strengthen Incheon Port’s digital safety net."


  • Concurrently, IPA achieved the highest rating with a perfect score in the '2022 Personal Information Processing Status Inspection' conducted by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries last year. This year, IPA is actively engaged in initiatives to enhance technical security, including the promotion of information protection system strengthening projects.



※ Photo Caption (Attached)

= A commemorative photo of the Port Authority for having acquired the ISO 27001 for the first time / Photo provided by the Incheon Port Authority

